nc_ functions support files from the MERIDA dataset.
Add documentation site.
Update authors. Add ENEA and Simularia as project funders.
Fix examples in aot40f() and aot40v() and other functions. Also formulas are now correctly rendered.
Add introductory vignette by splitting the readme file.
AirVeg 0.9.0
New function windDir() to compute wind direction from its components.
It is now possible to read data from CF NetCDF files with only two dimensions.
Bugfix in check_aggregation_validity.
Bugfix in nc_summary() for CF files, where coordinates where not properly sorted.
nc_summary() understand latitude, longitude, easting and northing as dimension names.
nc_get_variable() (CF convention) now correctly manages the scale_factor and add_offset attributes for variables.
2D Latitude, Longitude, Coordinate Variables are not correctly read by nc_ functions. nc_get_variables() now returns a simple sequence of indeces. The 2D coordinate variables can be read as fields themselves.
AirVeg 0.8.1
Fixed compatibility with latest terra package versions. terra minimum version 1.6-7 is required.
Fixed syntax errors in the documentation.
AirVeg 0.8.0
Added two specialized types in check_aggregation_type: monthly and semester.
New function computeMode() to compute the mode of a data set.
import_data_brace() now supports a timebegin boolean flag to time shift concentrations from time-begin to time-end as it is the case for dispersion model data.
DEPRECATED: Given the evolution and the typical usage of AirVeg the functions timeAggregation() and timeAggregation_single() are now deprecated and not maintained anymore, in favour of base functions to be applied on data.frame columns.
AirVeg 0.6.0
Added aot40v and aot40f.
Updated README file.
AirVeg 0.5.2
Updated this changelog.
AirVeg 0.5.1
New function nc_get_CRS() to get crs of a netcdf file (it currently does not work with CF).